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LUBRIPLATE Bar and Chain Oil is a unique blend of the finest refined petroleum stocks and additives available, designed to provide the chain saw owner with the maximum protection against bar and chain wear. LUBRIPLATE Bar and Chain Oil may safely be used in all makes of chain saws on the market today as a bar and chain lubricant. GREATLY REDUCES BAR BURNING AND CHAIN WEAR. HAS EXCELLENT PENETRATING AND EXTREME PRESSURE PROPERTIES - more than pays for itself in savings through reduced fuel consumption and replacement parts! FEEDS EVENLY AND PRECISELY - one grade for yearround use, no need to change oil with temperature changes! POSSESSES EXCELLENT RESISTANCE TO THROWOFF - conditions and protects chain pins and bushings against rust while not contributing to dust-to-dust load-up! IS NON-GUMMING - assures top operating performance of your chain saws, month in and month out! ADHERES BETTER - requires less frequent lubrication intervals in manually operated bar and chain lubricators! CUTTING CHAIN OPERATES COOLER - protects cutting teeth, teeth remain sharper longer!

Monarch Bearing Co. offers a 30-day Return Policy on every item we sell. Please see Terms of Sale & Return Policy for more specific details.

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