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LUBRIPLATE Darl No. 2 is a combination sulfurized-fatty type mineral oil produced under exacting conditions, offering superior tool life and finish as a multi-purpose dark cutting oil. One of the special features of LUBRIPLATE Darl No. 2 is that it is non-corrosive. This product will not stain or discolor copper, brass or aluminum. Also, it does not harm bearings in machines having leakage of cutting oil into the lubricating system, such as automatic screw machines. LUBRIPLATE Darl No. 2 Cutting Oil is recommended for all types of machining operations, working with both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. It is especially recommended for difficult low carbon steel work, such as tapping, threading, broaching, gear cutting and piercing. Ideal for working with a wide variety of metals such as carbon steel, copper, brass and aluminum. METALS: All ferrous, low and high carbon steels, malleable and wrought iron and cast iron. Also, non-ferrous, copper, brass, bronze, aluminum and alloys. OPERATIONS: Tapping, reaming, drilling, milling, screw machines, turret lathes, gear cutting, etc.

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