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Southwest Oil Co

Southwest Oil Co Hydraulic Oil ISO 100, 55 gal., (1 DRUM/EA)

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Southwest AW Hydraulic Oil is manufactured from highly refined paraffinic base oil and is fortified with an inhibitor system to provide a product which insures maximum performance in all aspects of hydraulic service. Anti-wear agents keep wear rates low on critical pump parts and rust and corrosion problems are eliminated by the rust inhibitor. A foam additive eliminates concerns over operating problems due to foam buildup in the hydraulic storage tank even in high circulation rate systems with low residence times. Recommended for hydraulic systems regardless of the operating pressure. Specifically designed for hydraulic systems operating over 1000 psi which require anti-wear protection for pump parts. Recommended for all hydraulic pump designs including vane, gear and axial and radical piston pumps. Widely used in machine tools, presses, die-casting machines, circulating systems and hydraulic control systems. Used in lubrication of plain and anti-friction bearings, airline lubricators, reciprocating air compressors, moderately loaded gear sets. Meets the requirements of all major hydraulic pump manufacturers: including Vickers I-286-S, andM-2950-S, Haglund- Denison HF-0, HF-1 and HF-2, Oilgear, Delaval, Pesco, Racine, Hydreco, Sunstrand, Dynex, John Barnes & Bellows and Valvair. Meets the industrial specifications of Cincinnati Milacron P-68, P-69, and P-70, General MotorsLH-04-1, LH-061, and LH-15-1, Lee Norse 100-1, Jeffrey No. 87, Ford M-6C32, U.S. Steel 136, and B.F. Goodrich 0152. Meets DIN 51524 Part-2 (HLP), ISO Grades 22-100. Features Low wear in severe industry OEM pump specification tests means long equipment life even in the most severe service. High resistance to oxidation gives long oil service life and reduces maintenance expenses due toless frequent oil changes. Excellent airline oil with minimum stray mist. Highly machines surfaces of hydraulic system components are protected from rust and corrosion. Foam inhibition prevents formation of excessive amounts of foam and reduces the danger of pump failures due to cavitation. Excellent demulsibility means any water present separates from the oil quickly allowing the water to settle out and be drained from the system. A versatile product which can be widely used in many different industrial applications to reduce inventory, prevent equipment damage due to use of wrong oil and reduce overall maintenance costs.
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