If required, please call 562/945-1289 to confirm availability. If for any reason, the product you ordered cannot be delivered within 5 days - we will communicate with you immediately via phone & email.
After engaging chain, close the "S" hook as shown to prevent disengagementDo not use for overhead liftingFor attaching accessories to chainuses exclude overhead lifting
After engaging chain, close the "S" hook as shown to prevent disengagementDo not use for overhead liftingFor attaching accessories to chainuses exclude overhead lifting
After engaging chain, close the "S" hook as shown to prevent disengagementDo not use for overhead liftingFor attaching accessories to chainuses exclude overhead lifting
After engaging chain, close the "S" hook as shown to prevent disengagementDo not use for overhead liftingFor attaching accessories to chainuses exclude overhead lifting
After engaging chain, close the "S" hook as shown to prevent disengagementDo not use for overhead liftingFor attaching accessories to chainuses exclude overhead lifting
After engaging chain, close the "S" hook as shown to prevent disengagementDo not use for overhead liftingFor attaching accessories to chainuses exclude overhead lifting
After engaging chain, close the "S" hook as shown to prevent disengagementDo not use for overhead liftingFor attaching accessories to chainuses exclude overhead lifting
After engaging chain, close the "S" hook as shown to prevent disengagementDo not use for overhead liftingFor attaching accessories to chainuses exclude overhead lifting